• We offer 1 FREE TRIAL class to new students.
• Each student trying the class for free must FIRST go online and fill in the Free Trial class waiver and registration form.
• If you decide to join than you must register and pay all fees before the next class.
• The easiest way to pay is online through our website. Cash and checks accepted at the studio.
• For those who opt for the quarterly payment option, tuition is due on the first class day of that semester. You will receive the reminder email but ultimately it is the student/parents responsibility to make the payment on time. No refunds or credit for missed classes.
• We do not like to keeping reminding parents to pay for the services we are providing, therefore if payment is not due on time
the student may be asked to sit and observe the class on the instructor’s discretion.
• For those who opt in quarterly payments, you will be charged a late fee if payment is not received within 1 week of due date. Every week of late payment $10 will be added.
• For those who opt in quarterly payment plan, and we are scheduled for a show outside of your quarter payment date then you will either have to pay for the next quarter to perform or if are planning to quit after the show then extra charges will be added to costume fee.
• CLASSES: When you register and pay the fees, you are paying for dance class only. This does not include the following.
1. Extra class
2. Performances/recital
3. Costumes/accessories
• COSTUMES: All costumes are specially ordered from India for our students.
• When our students perform at any event, along with their performance their costumes also give a statement.
• Costumes are given with a costume maintenance fee, and anyone not respecting and giving the proper care to the costume will be
charged extra accordingly.
• If the charges for the damaged or missing costume are not taken care of, you will not be able to participate in any other events until
the issue is resolved.
• For girls there may be times where you are asked to purchase matching accessories with the group… we limit the expenses not to be more then $10, we don’t force anyone but encourage it as it is a group effort.
• All costumes after any event are due at the next class; in result of not returning the costume on time $10 will be due for every class
period time.
• PERFORMANCES: The performances we have throughout the year are optional, as that is an extra cost not associated with the dance classes.
• We encourage the students to perform at these events to show case their talent, face their fears of stage freight, motivation, encouragement and we teach them to enjoy their dance and not to worry about anything.
• No show is free, the organizers determine what ever the cost is for the show, our job is to teach the students choreography and prepare them to perform.
• Ultimately it is your choice.
• MISSED CLASSES: If a student misses a class, there is no tuition refund, and no-make up class.
• Please try to notify the instructor prior to the class if the student will be absent. The instructor can choose to try to help students with generally high attendance rates, and those students who notify the instructor ahead of time, depending on the instructor’s availability.
• If the student misses multiple classes, it can affect the rest of the class’s ability to move forward with choreography. Therefore, he/she may be removed from any upcoming performances. This is at the discretion of the instructor.
• If a student is not performing for an event, he/she must still attend the class and learn the choreography and polishing with the rest of the class. The student may be asked to observe time to time but he/she will still get equal attention from the instructor to learn the choreography.
• Students should arrive to class at least 5 minuets before class. If a student is tardy more than 15 minuets, he/she may be asked to observe. During water break the tardy student can ask a classmate or the instructor to show what was missed.
• The instructor will not be expected to backtrack to catch up the tardy student. This decision is the discretion of the instructor.
• If an Nritya instructor cancels a class, a make-up class will be scheduled upon the instructor and studio availability.
• If the student cannot attend the rescheduled class then they can learn from the class video and the teacher will try to make sure they catch up in next class.
1) No food or drinks allowed in class other than water in a closed container.
2) Gossiping, bullying, harassing, disruptive behavior, or vile language will not be tolerated. Any student violating this policy will be asked to leave the classroom. If inappropriate behavior continues, the student may be removed from Nritya classes with no tuition refund.
3) Classes will be conducted with doors closed. It is very disturbing to the students and the instructor when there is a lot of noise. To avoid distraction to the class, parents will not be permitted into the dance room; however parents will be called into the dance room at the end of the class to observe and/or video the of the class.
4) Students should place their shoes and personal belongings outside the studio. Take all belongings from class when you leave, and throw away ALL trash. The class as a group will be responsible for the cleanliness of the studio, regardless of whose trash it is. All students and instructor should work together to make sure that the room is cleared of any clothing, shoes, etc. at the end of every class. The studio or instructor will not be held responsible for any items left behind.
5) Absolutely no gum chewing.
6) Take care of the studio and bathrooms as you would your own home; cleanliness is more appreciated and welcoming.
7) Notify us in advance if the student will be missing a class or performance.
8) We expect all students/parents/visitors to treat each other, the other parents, /students and Nritya staff with courtesy and respect.
1) Please take the responsibility to make sure your information is updated for effective communication.
2) Group texting is a convenient way for everyone to communicate and to share class videos. Please have the courtesy to respond to
any group member who may have a question, or asks to share the video. This is a group effort.
3) Any questions or concerns students/parents have, you are asked not to put those questions or concerns on the group messaging
unless you feel it is affecting the group as a whole. You can contact the instructor personally. Anyone violating or abusing the group
texting will be immediately removed from the group.
4) Any questions or concern you feel you want to address to the instructor after the class, will not be permitted as it is taking time away from the next class. You will be asked to reach the instructor personally by telephone or email unless that was the instructors last class, than the concern can be addressed.
Generally, the age groups are as follows:
Ages 4-6
Ages 7-10
Ages 11-15
Ages 11-17 Advanced
18 + infinity Adults
• As we strive to improve the quality of our classes, we have created multiple batches within the age group so the students feel comfortable with their piers.
• Please do not make any special request’s to the teacher on the positioning of your child for shows, or their advancement to another group. The child’s age doesn’t necessarily mean they will be able to cope up with the next level. The teachers are knowledgeable in their field of work so let the teacher’s decide in the best interest of the student.
• While grouping the students to the similar age and experience/skill level, it will be up to the instructor on weather the student is ready for an advancement or to drop one level down.
• We encourage every student to take what he or she learns in class, and continue their practice at home throughout the week. Classes are once a week, for one hour, by the time next class comes around students may forget what they have learned in class if they don’t practice at home.
• Practice makes perfect!
Team Nritya