Refund Policy


  • No refund once payment is made.

  • Missed classes on the student’s behalf is counted as they can stilllearn from the videos shared with the group and the teacher willbe responsible to catch them up in the following class.

  • Once your monthly or quarterly payment is over you will benotified via text 1 week prior, if you are not continuing you mustemail/use drop out form, which needs to be submitted 1 month prior. Once auto pay is drafted no refund policy takes effect.

  • Late fees of $5 per class week if payment is late or $25 fees forany insufficient funds for auto draft or returned checks. (After 2classes of non-payment student will not be allowed in class andwill be removed from group messaging form).

  • All terms and conditions, liability, waiver, and refund/missedclasses and auto charge policy have been read, acknowledged andagreed upon before final payment.

Thank you